Nicholas on Channel 9!

Welcome to everyone coming across this blog after seeing me speak with Adam Kinney about photoSuru, the application I was building while at Microsoft this past year. If you haven’t seen the video yet, you can check it out here.

My regular readers (yes, all… ZERO of you) will by now have noticed that I haven’t updated this blog in quite a while, in large part due to working on photoSuru and having a jam-packed school schedule. I’ll get back to more frequent posts on WPF topics soon, but in the meantime, check out photoSuru – a photo viewing application built entirely in WPF with full source code so that you can remix it as you see fit. If you just want to check it out, follow the instructions at; for source code and developer documentation, browse over to

I’m very interested to see what the community can come up with based on the photoSuru code – we’ve already seen a couple neat applications being built with it, but there’s plenty more possibilities – catalog browsers, integration with existing photo sites, or even a better storefront for an online store – so give it a shot!

– Nicholas